David Pollack Salary

David Pollack is an American entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is currently a vice provost and professor of engineering at the Charles H. Dyson School of Engineering at Cornell University. Pollack is also a co-founder of Sound Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in startups.

Pollack’s salary is not publicly disclosed. However, it is possible to make an estimate based on the salaries of other people in similar positions. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an engineering dean in the United States is $223,157 per year. The average salary for a venture capital firm co-founder is $265,000 per year.

It is likely that Pollack’s salary falls within these ranges. However, his salary as a professor at Cornell University may be separate from his salary from Sound Ventures.

There are a number of factors that could affect Pollack’s salary. These factors include:

  • Education and experience: Pollack holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He has also worked in engineering and management positions at Intel and Google. This education and experience are factors that would tend to increase his salary.
  • Success: Since being appointed vice provost, Pollack has raised significant funding for the Cornell engineering school. He has also made a number of successful investments through Sound Ventures. These successes are factors that would tend to increase his salary.
  • Location: Cornell University is located in New York, which has one of the highest costs of living in the United States. As a result, Pollack’s salary may be higher than the salary of an engineering dean who works in a region with a lower cost of living.


David Pollack’s salary is not publicly known. However, it is possible to make an estimate based on the salaries of other people in similar positions. It is likely that Pollack’s salary is between $250,000 and $350,000 per year.

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