Creighton Waters Salary

Creighton Waters is an Australian politician who has been a Senator for Queensland since 2016. He is a member of the One Nation party.

Waters’ salary is not publicly available. However, according to the Remuneration Tribunal, the base salary for an Australian Senator is $188,521 per year. Senators are also entitled to a number of allowances, including travel allowances, office allowances, and representation allowances.

In 2023-24, Waters claimed a total of $240,702 in allowances. This included $93,067 in travel allowances, $82,562 in office allowances, and $85,073 in representation allowances.

Waters’ salary and allowances are funded by Australian taxpayers.

It is important to note that Waters’ salary is just one of many factors that contribute to the overall cost of his role as a Senator. Other costs include the salaries of his staff, the cost of his office space, and the cost of his travel.

Ultimately, it is up to voters to decide whether they believe that Waters’ salary and allowances are fair and reasonable.

Here are some additional details about Creighton Waters’ salary and allowances:

  • Base salary: $158,521 per year
  • Travel allowances: Up to $73,067 per year
  • Office allowances: Up to $62,562 per year
  • Representation allowances: Up to $65,073 per year
  • Total allowances: Up to $200,702 per year
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