Conroe Independent School District (Conroe ISD) is a large suburban school district located in Montgomery County, Texas, United States. The district serves over 66,000 students in 62 schools. Conroe ISD is known for its high academic standards and its commitment to providing a quality education for all students.
The average teacher salary in Conroe ISD for the 2023-2024 school year is $68,500. This is higher than the average teacher salary in Texas, which is $54,823. The starting salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Conroe ISD is $48,000. Teachers with more experience and education can earn more.
Conroe ISD offers a competitive benefits package for its teachers, including health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement savings plans, and paid time off.
The district also offers a variety of professional development opportunities for its teachers.
If you are interested in teaching in Conroe ISD, you can find more information on the district’s website. You can also apply for a teaching position online.
Here are some additional details about teacher salaries in Conroe ISD:
- The salary schedule for teachers in Conroe ISD is based on years of experience and education level.
- Teachers with a master’s degree can earn an additional $5,000 per year.
- Teachers with a doctorate degree can earn an additional $10,000 per year.
- Conroe ISD also offers a variety of stipends and bonuses for teachers, such as a stipend for bilingual teachers and a bonus for teachers who work in high-needs schools.
Overall, Conroe ISD is a great place to work for teachers. The district offers competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefits package, and a variety of professional development opportunities.